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Thanks To
These Helpful Souls:
Randal Kabatoff who took the beautiful photograph that heads each of these web pages. Randal is the owner-operator of Vision Images, an art gallery here in Edmonton.
You can contact him at
Aron Bend who did the marvelous special effects. Aron works with Randal and can be contacted at the above link.
Samantha Gotlib who modeled both for the human and the soul. Samantha models and is an awesome dance teacher.
Kim Tanasichuk for updating the website in preparation for the radio show. She has reorganized the site, adding the Soul Talk radio show pages and mp3 player, book lists, online book stores and the ability to pay for my services and workshops through PayPal. Kim is a talented web designer who has the great ability to make improvements in the look of the website and add new functions without changing the feel.
You can contact Kim at:
My Teachers in Order of Our Meeting
Lorraine (Deits) Sinclair, Dennison Tsosie
Shannon Zaychuk, Sally Devereux
Andrew Schneider
Jane Peterson, Francesca Mason Boring, Dietrich Wett
Bert Hellinger, Hunter Beaumont, Mark Wolynn
Sneh Victoria Schnabel
Dea Parsinishi, Linda Jennings, Linda Stelte
Johannes Schmidt
Linda Bochek