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Experiential Workshops
Releasing Personal and Ancestral Burdens
“An old Chinese proverb tells us, to forget one’s ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without a root.”
Janet Easter, Jung and the Ancestors, 2016
“For no one can see very far ahead who is not anchored in the deep past.”
Michael Meade, Fate and Destiny, 2010
We live in a web of interrelated forces, many of which influence us on an unconscious level. When there is an interruption or break in a strand in that web, we will feel a disharmony without knowing the source of that interruption to our well-being. Two sources of unconscious interruptions in our lives are unresolved issues, or entanglements, in our family systems and personal unresolved traumas, including inhibited grief and toxic shame, which may also be transmitted intergenerationally.
Interruptions to life energy and love can be the unresolved issues of our ancestors, our parents, and unresolved personal traumas, including medical procedures, violence, neglect, that range from experiences in the womb, birth, early childhood and throughout life. Interruptions can manifest as relationship difficulties, addictions, depression, anxiety, illness, repeating patterns and financial concerns.
The Family Constellations process can be very helpful in revealing underlying and unconscious dynamics that are not accessible by other methods. It is a way of looking “outside the box.” The insights that often arise in this process can help resolve relationship issues, lead to new understandings, help unlock repetitive patterns, release a feeling of being stuck in life, empower participants to face the challenges that inevitably come in life, and assist in healing processes and personal growth. Another benefit is to lift the burden on our children who are the first to carry the pain of unresolved family issues. Taking part in the process can also bring compassion for, and understanding of, the situations of other people – an opportunity to “walk a mile in another person’s shoes.”
with Jonathan Hooton
Saturday 22nd February 2025
#2 10865 96 Street NW,
How much:
Fee: $150 including GST
Saturday 22nd February 2025
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
To register,:
Contact: Jonathan Hooton
phone: 780 426 1508
Download flyer
with Jonathan Hooton
Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March 2025
Everybody feels what the appropriate distance is between them and another person. When this distance is neither too far nor too close, we feel secure and in the right place.
If you respect the right distance of others, you will earn their trust. If you move too close, you will lose their trust. We instinctively withdraw and avoid someone who moves too close to us.
Bert Hellinger, 2007, With God In Mind
All major issues or problems stem from a position where you go beyond your own boundary. You take over something for somebody else who is beyond your own boundary. So, you step into the boundary of somebody else. And the solution always is that you say, “This is my place. I stay in my place. I respect your place over there and I don’t interfere, and I don’t allow you to interfere here Bert Hellinger, 2007, International Summer Camp, Pichl, Austria
We learn about our boundaries or lack of them in our family of origin, predominately from our parents. While much of current culture refers to boundaries as protective ones where we are able to say no and not allow others to invade our space, boundaries are essential to a sense of self and to having connections with others. Because relational boundaries are energetic and not visible, it can be hard to realize how profoundly they impact us. Relational boundaries are not an idea, they are an embodied experience that can be difficult to explain. They need to be experienced. Learning about our boundaries from an embodied perspective can help with relationships and with having a deeper sense of who we are.
This workshop can be helpful for anyone struggling with relationships and wanting to learn more. Parents, couples, and anyone interacting with others (and who isn’t?) can benefit from this process.
Some people have walls as boundaries that solely serve a protective function while others are unaware of boundaries, invade other people’s space, constantly seeking connection, and allow others to invade theirs. Healthy boundaries are flexible, being both protective and/or connecting depending on the situation.
The workshop will include participatory exercises, examine the foundational formation, and lack of formation, of boundaries in the family of origin, and use the constellations process of having family members represented by participants.
#2 10865 96 Street NW,
How much:
Fee: $250 including GST
Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March 2025
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Maximum of 8 participants.
To register:
Contact: Jonathan Hooton
phone: 780 426 1508